Corrupting the Young:
and Other Stories of a Family Therapist

Stories in Journals

Moshe and Tesse started writing short stories from Moshe’s clinical practice experiences. The following stories were published:

Lang, M. (1983). Food for Thought. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 4(2), 121-122.

Lang, M. (1983). Life Sentence. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 4(3),185-186.

Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1984). The Pot Plant. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 5(1), 61.

Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1984). An Unforgettable Therapist. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 5(1), 61.

Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1986). The Normal Family. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 7(1), 53-54.


These published stories, along with further short and pithy stories that Moshe and Tesse had written, but not yet published, were compiled into the following book:

Lang, T. & Lang, M. (1986). Corrupting The Young: And Other Stories of a Family Therapist. Victoria, Australia: Rene Gordon.

A hebrew and french edition of the book were published:

Lang, T. & Lang, M. (1989). Aich Bolmim Ima Nudnikit (‘How to Stop a Nagging Mother’) (hebrew ed. of Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist, 1986.). (O. Ofer, Trans.). Tel Aviv, Israel: Reshafim.

Lang, T. & Lang, M. (1989). Families Je Vous Aime (‘Families I Love You’) (french ed. of Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist, 1986.). (G. Maruani, Trans.). France: Alpha Bleue Publications.

Chapter in a compiled book

Selected stories from the book appeared in the following publication:

Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1987). Doing Family Therapy: Some Stories. In R. Love (Ed.) If Atoms Could Talk: Search and Serendipity in Australian Science (pp. 235-239). Richmond, Victoria: Greenhouse Publications.


There were some unpublished stories, with a more weighty feel, that were not included in Corrupting the Young. These were eventually included in the publication Resilience.