Miriam Tisher
Miriam Tisher is a Clinical Psychologist, Family Therapist and Director of Alma Family Therapy Centre. Since 1967, Miriam has held appointments with Bouverie Clinic and the Alfred Hospital and holds on-going appointments with Monash University and the Emmy Monash Home for the Aged. Using psychodynamic and systems perspectives, Miriam consults in private practice and supervises clinical and counselling psychologists and family therapists. She is a foundation member of the Victorian Association of Family Therapists and Course Director of the Diploma in Family Therapy. Miriam has journal publications in childhood depression, family therapy with older adults and outcome measures for family therapy training. She has given many presentations on psychotherapy with depressed children and adolescents, family therapy, teaching family therapy, couples, and working with older adults.
Publications: Co-authored with Miriam Tisher
Lang, M. & Tisher, M. (1972). Some Preliminary Thoughts on Family Group Therapy. The Australian Psychological Society, DCP Bulletin, 4(3), 6-10.
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Children’s Depression Scale (CDS) – Editions
Lang, M. & Tisher, M. (1978). Children’s Depression Scale (research ed.). Hawthorn, Victoria: Australian Council for Educational Research.
Lang, M. & Tisher, M. (1983). Children’s Depression Scale (2nd research ed.). Hawthorn, Victoria: Australian Council for Educational Research.
Lang, M. & Tisher, M. (2004). Children’s Depression Scale (CDS) (3rd ed.). Melbourne, Australia: ACER Press.
Children’s Depression Scale (CDS) – Foreign Editions
Lang, M. & Tisher, M. (1982). Children’s Depression Scale (portuguese ed.). Rio De Janeiro, Brazil: Centro Editor de Psicologia Aplicada.
Lang, M. & Tisher, M. (1982). Children’s Depression Scale (dutch ed.). Holland: Swets Test Services.
Lang, M. & Tisher, M. (1983). CDS Cuestionario de Depresion para Ninos (spanish ed.). Madrid, Spain: Tea Ediciones.
Lang, M. & Tisher, M. (1984). Children’s Depression Scale (italian ed.). Firenze, Italy: Organizzazioni Speciali SRL.
Lang, M. & Tisher, M. (1987). Children’s Depression Scale (north american ed.). Palo Alto, California: Consulting Psych Press.
Children’s Depression Scale (CDS) – Other Articles
Tisher, M. & Lang, M. (1981). Comment on the ‘Children’s Depression Scale’: Some Further Psychological Data. ACER Bulletin for Psychologists, No 30, 19-20.
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Tisher, M. & Lang, M. (1983). The Children’s Depression Scale: Review and Further Developments. In P. Cantwell & G.A. Carlson (Eds.), Affective Disorders in Childhood & Adolescence – An Update (pp. 181-210). New York: USA. Spectrum Publications Inc.
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Tisher, M., Lang-Takac, E. & Lang, M. (1992). The Children’s Depression Scale: Review of Australian and Overseas Experience. Australian Journal of Psychology, 44(1), 27-35.
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Tisher, M. & Lang, M. (1992). The Childrens Depression Scale: Literature Update. Psychological Test Bulletin, 5(2), 137-139.
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