The Black Family:
Blackmail is against the Law  |  A Family in Therapy  |  The Answer Within


The Black Family publications began with the following tape, recorded during family therapy session with Moshe:

Lang, M. (1980). The ‘Black’ Family: Blackmail is Against the Law [VHS Cassette]. Submitted for review to American Journal of Family Therapy (1985).

Journal Articles

From the tape above, the following five articles were published. They contained the fully-transcribed sessions, with commentaries by Moshe and Peter as well as other invited commentaries:

Lang, M. & McCallum, P. (1982). Blackmail is Against the Law. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 3(4), 173-195.
invited commentaries

Lang, M. &  McCallum, P. (1983). Blackmail is Against the Law – Part Two: Do You Want Us Back? Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 4(2), 99-119.
invited commentaries

Lang, M. &  McCallum, P. (1983). Blackmail is Against the Law – Part Three: Ernie Will Kick Up a Fuss. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 4(4), 225–249.
invited commentaries

Lang, M. & McCallum, P. (1984). Blackmail is Against the Law – Part Four: We Do Not Need It Anymore! Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 5(3), 185-215.
invited commentaries

Lang, M. & McCallum, P. (1985). Blackmail is Against the Law – Part Five: I Have a Waiting List. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 6(2), 83-94.
invited commentaries


These five articles were then compiled and published into the following book:

McCallum, P. & Lang, M. (1989). A Family in Therapy. Victoria, Australia: McPhee Gribble/Penguin.
invited commentaries

A hebrew edition of the book was published, for which Moshe wrote a special introduction:

McCallum, P. & Lang, M. (1991). Mishpacha Betipol (‘A Family in Therapy’) (hebrew ed. of A Family in Therapy, 1989.). Jerusalem: Israel Association of Family Therapists.

Lang, M. (1991). Special Introduction. In Mishpacha Betipol (‘A Family in Therapy’) (hebrew ed. of A Family in Therapy, 1989.). Jerusalem: Israel Association of Family Therapists.

After Peter’s passing in 1999, a second edition of the book was published. The invited commentaries were taken out of this edition, while Moshe revisited and updated his original comments, in light of developments in family therapy practice in the interim two decades:

Lang, M. & McCallum, P. (2000). The Answer Within: A Family in Therapy Re-Examined. Melbourne, Australia: ACER Press.