Publications: Trans-Generational Transmission

Journal Articles / Chapters

Stagoll, B. & Lang, M. (1980). Climbing the Family Tree: Working with Genograms. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 1(4), 161-170.

Lang, M. (1983). Family Conflict and Stress and Its Resolution by Family Therapy. Mental Health in Australia: The Journal of The Australian National Association for Mental Health, 1(10), 28-31.

Moshe Lang & Janet Zeleznikow. (1989). Separation Crises and the Holocaust. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 10(1), 31-33.

publications in response

Moshe Lang & Brian Stagoll. (1989). Holocaust Conference, Melbourne, 5 August, 1988. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 10(1), 53-54.

Moshe Lang. (1994). The Long Shadow. Generation: a journal of Australian Jewish life, thought & community, 4(1), 22-49.

invited commentaries

Moshe Lang. (1995). Silence: Therapy with Holocaust Survivors and their Families. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 16(1), 1-10.

invited commentaries

Moshe Lang. (1995). The Shadow of Evil. The Family Therapy Networker, Sep-Oct, 54-67.

Lang,  M. (1998). After the Holocaust: Therapy with Survivors and their Families. In U.P. Gielen & A.L. Comunian (Eds.), The Family and Family Therapy in International Perspective (pp. 314-354).  Trieste, Italy: Edizioni LINT Trieste.


Lang, T. & Lang, M. (1986). Corrupting The Young: And Other Stories of a Family Therapist. Victoria, Australia: Rene Gordon.
previous & alternate editions

Part IV: Generation to Generation (pp. 183-233), from:
Lang, M. & Lang, T. (2007). Resilience: Timeless Stories of a Family Therapist (revised ed.). Melbourne, Australia: PsychOz Publications.
previous & alternate editions


Lang, M. (2012). Behind Closed Doors: Two therapy session with Moshe Lang [2-DVD Set]. James, T. (Producer/Director) & Wright, T. (Executive Producer). Filmed by December Media. Melbourne, Australia: Psych Oz Publications.

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