Corrupting the Young: and Other Stories of a Family Therapist.
Tesse and Moshe Lang.
Melbourne. Gordon Pty. 1986. 169pp. $8,95
It seems appropriate to review an Australian book first in the new Australian Clinical Psychologist. It is even better when the review can be so positive.
However positive the book, “Corrupting the Young” is perhaps easier to describe in negatives. It is not a text; it is not a clinical handbook; it is not simply an entertainment. And yet it is exactly all of these and more.
Tesse and Moshe Lang tell stories with a message that every therapist of whatever persuasion will instantly recognize and be able to relate to their own experience. Each of the four parts takes the reader into the therapy room to see the therapist in action; warts, beauty marks and all. All done in bite-sized parcels of a few pages for easy digestion.
What the Langs show is the human side of therapy. Human sides, in fact, as the therapist is as viewable and vulnerable as the client. I can do no better than to give you a sample (my favourite) and highly commend this precious book. It is certain to add brightness, assist insight and teach tenderly.
Review by Dr. B. Whitelaw.
Whitelaw, Dr. B. (1988). Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist. The Australian Clinical Psychologist, October ed., 10.