Corrupting the Young: and Other Stories of a Family Therapist.

Tesse and Moshe Lang, Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist. Australia, Rene Gordon Pty Ltd, 1986. No price.

This is a delightful little book, a collection of fifty-three stories, gathered together by the Moshe Lang’s clinical practice. Each story has a moral, and most have a sting in the tail. What is so refreshing is that as many stories tell against the authors as do those that show what brilliant therapy has been performed. There is a wealth of wisdom, warmth, compassion and creativity in this book, and it made me wish I could meet the Langs. The blurb says it is for lay readers as well as professionals. My rational self-doubts this, but the stories are so full of surprises that it should be no surprise if indeed the lay reader does enjoy and benefit from them.

Reviewed by Bryan Lask, Editor, Journal of Family Therapy..

Lask, B. (1987). Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist. Journal of Family Therapy, 9(1), 98. [Bryan Lask – Journal Editor]

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