Corrupting the Young: and Other Stories of a Family Therapist.

Tesse and Moshe Lang. (pp. 169) Rene Gordon Pty Ltd., Victoria, 1986. $9.95

This is a delightful entertaining book of stories, episodes, anecdotes from Moshe’s case load and from Tesse and Moshe’s life and experience.
It is a refreshing change from heavy text books. The style is easy and informal, and with the short incident format I could pick it up anytime, open it anywhere, and find myself captured and captivated.

Moshe shares not only his success, but also his confusions, his surprises, his puzzlements, his humour and his humanity. Often his stories end suddenly – as does our therapy. Often they end with an unexpected punchline – a one line reframe. Whilst other times they end with no ending, and we are left to wonder as often we – I do, with the disappearance of a clienet. There are lovely gems to use and quote like “No person is as crazy as their life”. There are useful metaphors for us as therapists and certainly to read to our clients.

My review is short – not because the book is unworthy of more words – but because from this book I can learn the value of being clear and succinct. Tesse argued for “simplicity, brevity and impact” and I’m glad she did.

Thank you Tesse and Moshe you certainly ‘managed to tickle my fancy’ and it was more than enough!

Reviewed by Helen Whitmont, Marriage Counsellor in Private Practice.

Whitmont, H. (1987). Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist. Australian Journal of Sex, Marriage and Family, 8(2), 99.

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