Corrupting the Young: and Other Stories of a Family Therapist.

20 Year perspective…

Working with people and sadness can take a toll on your spirit.

“Corrupting the Young” has been with me for 20 years and I often go back to it to find what I need at that moment.

Tess and Moshe Lang teach us the value of self-reflection, and the simplicity of walking alongside people.  It teaches us the power of honesty and the relief of humour.  I have returned to this book many times and each time, I learn more.   I hope there is never a day with nothing left to learn.

I recommend “Corrupting the Young” to every new worker that I employ and train.  I tell them that I hope this book inspires them, humbles them and above all, reminds them that they are only human and to treat themselves kindly.

Thank you Tess and Moshe, your gift to find the humour and wisdom in the struggles of people’s lives has been the food for my soul.

Reviewed by Leesa-rae Harrison. Coordinator, Intensive Family Based Support Service Mid-North Coast.

Harrison, L. Review of Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist. personal communication (email), November 25, 2015.

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