Corrupting the Young: and Other Stories of a Family Therapist.

Tesse and Moshe Lang, Published by Rene Gordon Pty Ltd, 29 Fershnand Ave, North Balwyn, 3104. 1986. Paperback. Price $8.95.

This is an unusual book of 50 odd short stories or vignettes collected in the course of Moshe Lang’s clinical practice. Every story has a moral and illustrates humour and the ironies of life as well as good old fashioned common sense mixed with therapeutic insight.

Lang’s humanity, simplicity and modesty6 shine like a beacon through the stories he tells in this small book which is divided into four parts, the first which is subtitled “the problem is not with the dancers but with the dance”, the second “he didn’t tell us anything we didn’t know already”, the third “seeing isn’t believing” and the fourth “but what will I talk about next time”.

The book not only reveals how an effective family therapist works, it describes failures as well as success. It should be mandatory reading for the novice therapist or counselor as well as the experienced professional.

Review by Sue Stephenson, Editor, The Australian Counselling Psychologist.

Stephenson, S. (1988). Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist. The Australian Counselling Psychologist, 4(1), 184. [Sue Stephenson – Journal Editor]

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