Tesse Lang

Tesse Lang (1927 – 2011) was a physician who worked for fourteen years at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, with children suffering from blood disorders, and then in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit of the Caulfield Hospital.  In both, she was involved in counselling patients and their families.  Tesse has written several scientific papers, as well as co-authoring, with her husband Moshe, the numerous publications listed below.

Publications: Co-authored with Tesse Lang

Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1981). Debbie and Her Slurping Stomach. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 3(1), 3-26.
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Journal Articles – Stories of a Family Therapist

Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1984). The Pot Plant. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 5(1), 61.
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Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1984). An Unforgettable Therapist. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 5(1), 61.
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Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1986). The Normal Family. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 7(1), 53-54.
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Books – Stories of a Family Therapist

Lang, T. & Lang, M. (1986). Corrupting The Young: And Other Stories of a Family Therapist. Victoria, Australia: Rene Gordon.

Lang, T. & Lang, M. (1989). Aich Bolmim Ima Nudnikit (‘How to Stop a Nagging Mother’) (hebrew ed. of Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist, 1986.). (O. Ofer, Trans.). Tel Aviv, Israel: Reshafim.

Lang, T. & Lang, M. (1989). Families Je Vous Aime (‘Families I Love You’) (french ed. of Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist, 1986.). (G. Maruanu, Trans.). France: Alpha Bleue Publications.

Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1996).  Resilience: Stories of a Family Therapist. Melbourne, Australia: Reed Books.

Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1997). Hatzel Ha’aroch: Sippurim Mechadro shel Psicholog Mishpachti.  (‘The Long Shadow: Stories from the Room of a Family Psychotherapist’) (hebrew ed. of Resilience, 1996.). (R. Marks, Trans.). Tel Aviv, Israel: Dvir.

Lang, M. & Lang, T. (2007) Resilience: Timeless Stories of a Family Therapist (revised ed.). Melbourne, Australia: PsychOz Publications.

Book Chapters – Stories of a Family Therapist

Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1987). Doing Family Therapy: Some Stories. In R. Love (Ed.) If Atoms Could Talk: Search and Serendipity in Australian Science (pp. 235-239). Richmond, Victoria: Greenhouse Publications.