Publications: Teaching Family Therapy
Journal Articles / Chapters
Moshe Lang & Miriam Tisher. (1972). Some Preliminary Thoughts on Family Group Therapy. The Australian Psychological Society, DCP Bulletin, 4(3), 6-10.
Stagoll, B., Lang, M. & Goding, G.A. (1979). A Model for Family Therapy Training: Based on the Parallel Processes between Training and Treatment. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 1(1), 35-42.
Stagoll, B. & Lang, M. (1980). Climbing the Family Tree: Working with Genograms. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 1(4), 161-170.
Moshe Lang. (1981). Key Note Address: First Australian Family Therapy Conference: ‘Family Therapy for the Eighties’. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 2(2), 48–55.
Lang, M. (1981). Video Review: Introduction. Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 3(1), 53-54.
Lang, M. (1984). Bad Therapy: A Way of Learning. Family Therapy Networker, 3(2), 40-44.
previous & alternate editions
Moshe Lang & Brian Stagoll. (1989). Holocaust Conference, Melbourne, 5 August, 1988. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 10(1), 53-54.
Moshe Lang. (2002). ‘Then and Now’: How being Jewish has influenced my work as a Psychotherapist. Psychotherapy in Australia, 8(3), 22-28.
Lang, T. & Lang, M. (1986). Corrupting The Young: And Other Stories of a Family Therapist. Victoria, Australia: Rene Gordon.
previous & alternate editions
Lang, M. & Lang, T. (2007). Resilience: Timeless Stories of a Family Therapist (revised ed.). Melbourne, Australia: PsychOz Publications.
previous & alternate editions
Lang, M. (2012). Behind Closed Doors: Two therapy session with Moshe Lang [2-DVD Set]. James, T. (Producer/Director) & Wright, T. (Executive Producer). Filmed by December Media. Melbourne, Australia: Psych Oz Publications.