Publications: Interviews & Tributes by Moshe

Geoff Godding

Lang, M. (1993). Geoff Goding: An Appreciation. Victorian Association of Family Therapists Newsletter, March ed., 1-5.
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Lang, M. (1993). Geoff Goding: An Appreciation. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 14(2), 108-109.
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Lang, M. (1994). Geoff Goding, His Work and Times: an interview by Moshe Lang, 1979. Victorian Association of Family Therapists Newsletter, September ed., 10-16.
download pdf | watch original taped interview on You Tube: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Peter McCallum

Holmes, S. & Lang, M. (1999). Peter McCallum 1943-1999: Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and Family Therapist. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 20(4), ii.
download pdf

There is a tribute to Peter at the beginning of:
McCallum, P & Moshe, L. (2000). The Answer Within: A Family in Therapy Re-Examined. Melbourne, Australia: ACER Press.