Category: Suicide

It is a Tribute to this Family’s Courage and Resilience in The Last Taboo: Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among Children and Adolescents

Moshe Lang

A chapter in The Last Taboo: Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among Children and Adolescents by S. Fabian; Penguin Books, Australia, 1986 pp. 183-190

Corrupting The Young: And Other Stories of a Family Therapist

Moshe Lang, Tesse Lang
First ed., Rene Gordon, Australia, 1986

Moshe Lang is a natural story-teller whose many years as a family therapist have provided the raw material for these delightful short stories. They cover marriage, parent/child relationships, and all the frustrations, wry pleasures and pressures of family life. Some are wise anecdotes that reflect universal truths, others show how family therapy works, sometimes despite the therapist.

Foreword in The Last Taboo: Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among Children and Adolescents

Moshe Lang

A chapter in The Last Taboo: Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among Children and Adolescents by S. Fabian; Penguin Books, Australia, 1986 p1

Resilience: Stories of a Family Therapist

Moshe Lang, Tesse Lang
Second ed, PsychOz Publications, Melbourne, Australia, 2007

Moshe Lang presents us with a book of nuance and flavour. Resilience is a collection of brief sketches and vignettes, each serving as a vehicle for pithy observations and cogent insights.