A Family in Therapy

Peter McCallum & Moshe Lang
McPhee Gribble/Penguin, Australia, 1989.


The Black family entered therapy seeking answers to long-standing relationship problems. With their permission, the sessions were recorded and combined with the therapist’s commentary in this extraordinary book.

A Family in Therapy is a first-hand account of one family’s attempt to heal. As their sessions progress and more issues surface, the book unfolds to offer a rare insight into family therapy. The role of the therapist is closely examined, both by experts and the therapist himself. invited commentaries

In spite of their unusually severe difficulties, the therapy unfolds like an everyday story and can be understood by all and read on many levels.

In 2000, a second edition entitled The Answer Within was published, featuring updated and expanded commentary, revised in light of changes in family therapy practice.

Available from:

A Family in Therapy is no longer in print. However, the second edition entitled The Answer Within is available from The Human Condition Bookstore, PsychOz Publication. Click here.


A Family in Therapy

Third Edition

Peter McCallum & Moshe Lang

McPhee Gribble/Penguin, Australia, 1989.



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Translated Edition

Mishpacha Betipol, Moshe & Tesse Lang
DOWNLOAD Hebrew Version for FREE

משפחה בטיפול. פיטר מקאלאם משה לנג. ירושלים
יצא לאור ביוזמת מועצת האיגודים לשירותי רווחה
1991 .והתנדבות והאגודה הישראלית לטיפול במשפחה

McCallum, P. & Lang, M. (1991). Mishpacha Betipol (‘A Family in Therapy’) (hebrew ed. of A Family in Therapy, 1989.). Jerusalem: Israel Association of Family Therapists.
[Special Introduction for hebrew edition by Moshe Lang]
download eBook (hebrew language version)
download english translation of special introduction


Reviews of A Family in Therapy:

To view a listing of full reviews for A Family in Therapy, click here.

‘The family presents the challenge of a frightening crisis. Into this situation comes a calming and accomplished therapist with a unique style …’
~ John Patten, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry New York Hospital, Cornell Medical Centre.

‘ … a good human story … entertaining reading … demystifies therapy to the general reader … valuable to the community at large … an inspiration to the beginning therapist … important insights for the experienced therapist. The rich and honest commentary, along with the text of the therapy, gives this book a unique place in clinical teaching.’
~ Erica Frydenberg, Australian Psychologist. Institute of Education, Melbourne University.

‘…rich and complex and stimulates a call for much discussion. It transcends any therapy “brand name”.’   ~ American Journal of Family Therapy.

‘A most engaging and thought provoking volume deserves a wide audience.’
~ Sid Bloch, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy.

‘A rare opportunity to witness a family’s journey through therapy … exciting framework … wide appeal’   ~ Australian Journal of Psychology.

‘A good read. Readers will make up their own minds. But none should be bored.’
~ Jocelynne Scult, The Herald.

‘A Greek drama.’   ~ Ilene Wolcott, The Age.