The Answer Within

A Family in Therapy Re-Examined

Moshe Lang & Peter McCallum
ACER Press, Australia, 2000


Foreword: Brian Stagoll

The Black family entered therapy seeking answers to long-standing relationship problems. With their permission, the sessions were recorded and combined with the therapist’s commentary in the landmark book, A Family in Therapy.

More than 20 years after these sessions were recorded, therapist Moshe Lang revisits his work with the Blacks, updating his original comments and re-appraising his techniques in light of developments in family therapy practice, expanding clinical research and hindsight.

Unique and provocative, The Answer Within: A Family in Therapy Re-Examined is both a touching account of one family’s attempt to heal and an invaluable discussion of the therapist’s role. It is a seminal resource for psychologists, therapists and students, as well as anyone looking for a better understanding of family therapy.

Available from:

The Publisher, ACER’s Specialist Bookshop. Click here, then search The Answer Within.
The Human Condition Bookstore, PsychOz Publication. Click here.
Moshe Lang eBook Store. Click here.
Williams Road Psychotherapy Centre. Contact details here.

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Reviews of The Answer Within:

To view a listing of full reviews for The Answer Within, click here.

‘A rare opportunity to witness a family’s journey through therapy.’ ~ Australian Journal of Psychology.

‘Rich and complex and stimulates a call for much discussion. It transcends any therapy “brand name”.’ ~ American Journal of Family Therapy.

‘The rich and honest commentary, along with the text of the therapy, gives this book an unique place in clinical teaching.’ ~ Erica Frydenberg, Institute of Education, Melbourne University.

‘It is about work at the coal face with all the excitement, drame and humanity of the therapeutic relationship and the family dynamics. This is an important book by a courteous, sensitive, thoughtful therapist. It is a timely book when the treatment of depression, suicide attempts and hyperactivity is becoming more medicalised. It is timely when the family is in danger of fading out of family therapy. It is timely because it emphasizes the most important, unchanging aspects of therapy – its humanness, its contact and its intimacy as opposed to today’s valuing of technology and technique … This is a book for all therapists and teachers. Furthermore many ‘ordinary’ readers will find it moving and more importantly, it may inspire hope’. ~ Colin MacKenzie, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy.


The Answer Within