Publications: Chapters in compiled books
Lang, M. (1982). Bad Therapy – A Way of Learning. In F. Kaslow (Ed.), International Book of Family Therapy (pp. 447-460). New York, NY: Brunner/Mazel Publishers.
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Tisher, M. & Lang, M. (1983). The Children’s Depression Scale: Review and Further Developments. In P. Cantwell & G.A. Carlson (Eds.), Affective Disorders in Childhood & Adolescence – An Update (pp. 181-210). New York: USA. Spectrum Publications Inc.
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Lang, M. (1986). Foreword. In S. Fabian, The Last Taboo: Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among Children and Adolescents (p. 1). Australia: Penguin Books.
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Lang, M. (1986) It is a Tribute to this Family’s Courage and Resilience. In S. Fabian, The Last Taboo: Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among Children and Adolescents (pp. 183-190). Australia: Penguin Books.
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Lang, M. & Lang, T. (1987). Doing Family Therapy: Some Stories. In R. Love (Ed.) If Atoms Could Talk: Search and Serendipity in Australian Science (pp. 235-239). Richmond, Victoria: Greenhouse Publications.
Lang, M. (1998). After the Holocaust: Therapy with Survivors and their Families. In U.P. Gielen & A.L. Comunian (Eds.), The Family and Family Therapy in International Perspective (pp. 314-354). Trieste, Italy: Edizioni LINT Trieste.
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