
Moshe started presenting workshops and presentations on Psychology and Family Therapy in the mid-60s. Since that time, he has taught, toured, talked so extensively that some of the details of those events are lost to time. Below is a selection of some of Moshe’s workshops.

Click here for a List of Workshops Topics with Moshe Lang.

Humour in Life and Therapy: A psychologist’s humour is no laughing matter
When: 4th April, 2017.
Where: Psychology Melbourne 2/50 Queen St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Theme: After a brief review of fifty years of clinical practice Moshe will talk about humour in his own life and the advantages and risks of humour in therapy with children, adults and families. The significance of humour in establishing relationships, health, stress management and relaxation will be considered. The relationship between humour, play, creativity, laughter and intimacy will be explored.

Moshe Lang: Techniques for Getting out of Stuck Situations
When: 23rd Feb, 2018.
Where: South Yarra, VIC, 3141.

This is an experiential participatory workshop providing the participants with an opportunity to use humour and play in exploring techniques for getting out of stuck situations. Participants are encouraged to come to the workshop with a situations or relationships where they caught in repetitive interactive cycles that they have difficulty of getting out of. The workshop would provide them the opportunity where they can experience and explore the different ways of interacting.

Read Participant Feedback

Humour in Life and Therapy: A Psychologist’s Humour is No Laughing Matter
When: 16th Sept, 2017.
Where: Caulfield South Community House, Caulfield South.

This workshop is aimed at all levels of practitioners and will offer the opportunity to observe and experience the use of humour in therapy.
Learning Outcomes:

  • An increase awareness of the importance of humour in life and in therapy;
  • Gain an understanding of how humour works;
  • Appreciating the risks of using humour and the risks of not using it;
  • To learn how to cultivate humour in yourself as a person and as a therapist.

Workshop Flyer 16-9-17

Moshe Lang: Behind Closed Doors
12th August, 2016
Where: Relationships Australia NSW, Macquarie Park, NSW.

Theme: Giving us a glimpse into his 52 years of accumulated practice wisdom, Moshe Lang discusses his work captured in the revolutionary DVD set “Behind Closed Doors’ in which skilled actors improvise two different scenarios, one a family and one a couple.

AAFT RANSW Flyer August 2016

Moshe Lang: The Affair (APS Study Group Network)
When: 14th May, 2016.
Where: Brighton East, VIC, 3187.

In this workshop, Moshe Lang will be showing a DVD about working with a couple in the room. The workshop will include: The thinking prior to the family /couples coming to therapy; A detailed analysis of the actual therapy; Overall conceptualisation of the case; Exploring possible future plans for therapy.

Read Participant Feedback

The Affair – A Common Presentation in Couple Work
When: 4th September, 2015.
Where: Alma Family therapy Centre, Alma Rd. Caulfield North, VIC, 3161

Theme: To develop an understanding of the importance of creating a respectful and hopeful atmosphere that allows therapeutic work to begin. Gain insight into Moshe Lang’s therapy style; how he attends to the clients’ view of the problem and adopts a posture of curiosity about client life experience and perceptions. Learn key skills in couple’s therapy; to track individual experience, styles and meaning; and reinforce positives in a client’s narrative.

Mother and Son: Engaging an inarticulate, reluctant young man (and bringing the absent father into the picture)
When: 27th May, 2015.
Where: Newcastle, NSW.

Theme: Twenty-one year old Daniel has moved back home to live with his mother, unannounced, and they are arguing constantly. In this session, Moshe Lang demonstrates his great skill as a therapist by being attentive, empathetic respectful, collaborative, neutral and above all, human. Moshe elicits the story of the breakdown of Daniel’s parent’s marriage, Meg’s pain, disappointment and sense of failure, and the role this plays in her ambivalence around Daniel coming home. Daniel is difficult to engage, yet, as Moshe explores his experience of his parent’s breakup, the deep sense of abandonment emerges.

Mother and Son – Moshe Lang flyer

Humour in Life and Therapy (A Psychologist’s Humour is No Laughing Matter)
When: 7th May 2015, 7.30 – 9.30pm.
Where: Caraniche Head Office: Level 1, 260 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford

Theme: After a brief review of fifty years of clinical practice Moshe will talk about humour in his own life and the advantages and risks of humour in therapy with children, adults and families. The significance of humour in establishing relationships, health, stress management and relaxation will be considered. The relationship between humour, play, creativity, laughter and intimacy will be explored.

Watch the taped workshop on YouTube | CAFPIG flyer 7-5-2015

Humour in Life and Therapy (A Psychologist’s Humour is No Laughing Matter)
When: 13th March, 2015.
Where: Williams Road Psychotherapy Centre, Windsor.

Theme: The advantages and risks of humour in therapy with children, adults and families.
After a brief review of fifty years of clinical practice Moshe will talk about humour in his own life and the advantages and risks of humour in therapy with children, adults and families. The significance of humour in establishing relationships, health, stress management and relaxation will be considered. The relationship between humour, play, creativity, laughter and intimacy will be explored.

Flyer for PD 13.3.2015 M Lang on Humour

Family Therapy – Behind Closed Doors: Coming Home
When: 4th April, 2014.
Where: Williams Road Psychotherapy Centre, Windsor.

Theme: Twenty-one year old Daniel has moved back home to live with his mother; unannounced, and they are arguing constantly. Moshe Lang demonstrates his great skill as a therapist by being attentive, empathic, respectful, collaborative, neutral and, above all, human.

Coming Home Flyer 4 April 2014

What Goes on Behind the Closed Doors of the Counselling Room
When: Friday, 1st November.
Where: Williams Road Psychotherapy Centre, Windsor.

This workshop will focus on counselling a couple and Moshe is keen to invite family members also who may wonder “what goes on behind the closed doors of the counselling room”?! We get to see one example!

Workshop flyer CAPAV 1 Nov 2013

International Congress of Family Therapy
Theme: Family Therapy; The Fourth Decade.
Jerusalem, Israel. 22-25 June 1986.
P3 Panel: Training and Supervision in Family Therapy [Hall L-A Moderator]: Wertheimer, D. (Israel), Berg, I. K. (U.S.A), Boscolo, L. (Italy), Caille, P. (Norway), Kidron, M. (Israel), Lang, M. (Australia), Maruani, G. (France) & Velkes, V. (Israel).
Theme: Family Therapy; The Fourth Decade.
Jerusalem, Israel. 22-25 June 1986.
Multi-Theoretical Approach to Family Therapy.

Eighth Australian Family Therapy Conference
University of New South Wales, Sydney
Title: The Unnameable – A Conversation.
14-18 July 1987.

Ninth Australian Family Therapy Conference,
Wrest Point Convention Centre, Hobart
Title: Playing with Ethics.
23-27 August 1988.

Queensland Association of Family Therapy Inc.
Mercy Conference Centre
One Day Workshop – Resilience: Thirty years a Family Therapist
Tuesday, 8 October 1996.
Half Day Workshop – The Long Shadow: Working with Holocaust survivors, their families and other severely traumatised groups.

The APS College of Clinical Psychologists (W.A.)
One day workshop – The Long Shadow: Working with survivors of trauma and their families
31 January 1997.
Half Day Workshop – The Therapeutic Resilience
1 February 1997.
One Day Workshop – The Long Shadow: Working with survivors of trauma and their families
2 May 1997.
Half Day Workshop – The Therapist’s Resilience
3 May 1997.

Gilead Downs Family Therapy Centre
One day Workshop – Resilience – A Family Therapist’s Perspective on Dealing with Pain and Trauma.

Relationships Australia
Princess Street, Kew
Half Day Workshop – “Who holds the depression”,
26 August 1998.

Catholic Family Welfare Bureau
One day workshop – “Engaging the Unengagable”(Working with Men)
9 September 1998.

Centre for Grief Education
Half day workshop – “Families in Mourning – Practical Applications in Family Counselling.”
18 September 1998.

Financial & Consumer Rights Council
One day workshop – “Horses for Courses – Problem Gambling”
19 October 1998.

Financial & Consumer Rights Council
One day workshop – “Brief Family Therapy – Problem Gambling”
2 March 1999.

Morning Peninsular Regional Group
Workshop – “Marital Therapy”
21 October 1999.

Vietnam Veterans Counselling Service
Workshop – “The Transmission of Trauma from one Generation to the Next”
12 November 2001


Workshop – A Family Therapist’s perspective, a conversation with participants
27 April 2002
Australian Psychological Society Victorian Branch Conference – 26-27 April 2002.
Resilience – A Conference Exploring Psychological, Physical and Spiritual Well-Being.

Academy of Human Development Singapore
The Art of Couple Therapy
The Two Day Advanced Workshop in Couples Therapy
1 & 2 March 2006
1 & 2 March 2007
12 &13 October 2009

Williams Road Psychotherpy Centre
Windsor, Melbourne
Marital Therapy Master Workshop
Friday, 30 August 2013

Counsellors’ and Psychotherapists’ Association of Victoria, Inc.
CAPAV Professional Development Series
Windsor, Melbourne
What Goes on Behind the Closed Doors of the Counselling Room
Friday, 1 November 2013